
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

{ jaydee and josh } march 15

Who would have guessed that this spring would be so gorgeous.  We were out at the lovely Borba Ranch for a family wedding this past weekend.  The grounds were so beautiful, the tent amazing yet none of that compared to how radiant the bride looked!    

I loved making these muslin fabric rosette wands for the flower girls.  Finished with tooling, satin ribbon and rhinestone gems - they made the perfect gift for the young ladies.

Chippy paint doors stood guard as the bride ascended from the home - they made a nice simple divide from the ceremony beyond.

Instead of the traditional candle lighting ceremony I came up with this new idea... a David Austen rose bush was placed at the alter area where the bride and groom combined soil in their unity ceremony.  These same roses were used in the brides bouquet - this sweet bush can now be planted at their new home and enjoyed for years to come.

{ linens by Expo }

{ menu cards designed by Julie Gomes }

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