
Saturday, March 8, 2014

heirloom dishes for the bride and groom

We are so fortunate here in California to have spring in the air.  My heart goes out to those of you that are still up to your eye balls in snow.  Take heart, warmer weather is on its way.

We are working on displays for an open house at Wolf Lakes Park this weekend.  For that show I made this arrangement and thought I'd use it for a quick photo shoot in my barn.

I had a fun idea a few weeks ago that I thought I'd share.  I was trying to help a bride think of a meaningful way to decorate her sweetheart table for her wedding.  This bride and I both value things from our families that have history and meaning to us.  I suggested that maybe she and her husband use their wedding china at their wedding - how sweet would it be to know that they ate from their own china at their wedding in years to come?  Here is my wedding china... still going strong as I prepare to celebrate my fifteenth year anniversary to my rock, "the leader".  Have a great weekend...I pray you are able to glimpse one small sight that will give you hope that warmer weather is almost here.  Love, Amy

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