
Friday, December 20, 2013

{ what's good about the cold?}

After many nights of freezing temps I am asking myself...Is there anything good about the cold...the hard drives me indoors.  I wonder this for nearly a week.  Then, Yes!  I see it slows me down.  This is a good thing and a gift from God.

We added the verse, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."  Proverbs 3:5 and 6, to our Christmas card this year.  So even in the bitter cold I seek Him.  This seems easier when I am less busy...less distracted.  Most days and evenings are so nice around here that I can barely bring myself indoors - so this weather finds me at home - inside - either near the fire or the stove.  Cooking in the winter is so satisfying.  You select, chop, simmer and savor long.  Inspired by the movie "Julie and Julia" I tried Julia Childs ancient recipe "Beef Bourguignon."  I love meet simmered in wine.  End of story.

We stay home this week - decorating the house for Christmas.  I've found for me decorating around the 10th of the month seems to work best for us.  This year I found joy in in using things we had around the house - the antlers above my dresser got the big call to hang above the fire place for the holidays.  I really like to use natural cuttings found on our property - so this year it was oranges with their leaves.   I did buy 3 new European cedars that will be planted in the yard following the holidays.  I like to keep my decorating easy and natural.  

From my heart to your home - Merry Christmas.

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