
Saturday, April 20, 2013

{ in your garden this week }

I thought I would share a little about my garden or yard.  Most of us like having fresh flowers in the house.  Flowers are soft, pretty and brighten our spirits.  If you don't have time to order or buy flowers in town simply step outside in your yard and start cutting.  This week in my yard so many things are blooming.  Early one morning I took a pair of kitchen cutters, my coffee and a basket and "visited" all the pretty friends that have been growing like crazy in this gorgeous weather.

{ spanish lavender }

{ hellebore }

{ sweet broom }

Here I used two smaller vases along with a vintage juice pitcher to hold cuttings from the yard.  Remember, I always say, "if it can hold can be used as a vase."

Carolina Jasmine combined with soft fuzzy lamb's ear leaves with a touch of lavender.

Don't be afraid to get out in the yard and snip a few blooms.  To really showcase these smaller flowers I usually just cut a couple and use smaller vases so that your eye really focuses on the individual bloom.  To soften and finish the look try including a few leaves with different textures.

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