
Monday, April 2, 2012

{ easter }

This is the week before Easter and a very special time for our family.  We welcome Spring and reflect on what this holiday means to us.  We thank Christ for his sacrifice and unconditional love for us.  However on a lighter note, this morning it meant cleaning the dining room.  When I am ready to "change things up" at home I pull everything off all of the surrounding surfaces in that room - clean - then begin fresh.  I also bring things that I find from other rooms that I think will work well with what I already have.

As you might guess with the name of my business I have a small collection of bunnies.  So I pulled out a few of my bunnies and also some nest's that I had collected last spring and set to work.

I found this small size glass dome recently at an antiques store in Clovis.  I put one of my smaller nest's under it with green speckled eggs.

God Bless you and your families this Easter and may you have a wonderful Spring.

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