
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Use what you have to decorate your front porch

Yesterday when I was supposed to be doing dishes I got inspired to recycle our pumpkins and decorate the front door for Christmas.  I wanted to get the area decorated before the kids woke up from their naps and I didn't want to spend any money!  I also wanted to use things that can be recycled later or reused.  My personal decorating style is more rustic and very natural.  I like to incorporate a little sparkle but for the most part I like decorations to be an extention of their natural state.  So, I walked around the yard and found some old tomato cages that I thought would make good frames for greenery and lights.  We have some type of cedar trees down our driveway that will work good on one of the frames.  I also found 3 potted rosemary shrubs left from Cara's spring wedding.  I think they look a little sparse but will be good "fillers".  I plan to plant them in the yard this spring.   
I cut small cedar branches - any type of "bushy" greenery will work.  I took wires and wired branches loosely all over the frame.

When I add items to the front patio I try to "layer" the items.  Just like getting dressed.  You don't want all your pieces to be the same height or size.  This creates interest for the eye as it takes in the "scene".  To raise up one of the rosemary pots I found a small outdoor side table.  Then because the tomato cages were the same size I found a few cement pavers and stacked them up for the back 2 cages.

I didn't want to purchase new pots for the rosemary since I am going to be planting them soon.  To disguise the black plastic pots I took long pieces of bright green ribbon and tied them around the outside to add a touch of color.

Here are my three cages finished - one has the cedar branches and topper of cut palm branches with a few red berry sprigs.  The other two have curly willow branches and bright green moss that I found at a craft store.  I added simple white christmas twinkle lights with green wiring.  I also had a few white cyclamen flowers left from another job - I potted them and added them to the front porch too.

Here is the finished porch that night with Mary and Rocco enjoying the lights.  It is not fancy but I am happy with it.  I didn't spend any money and have cute decorations for the next couple of weeks.  All of the items will be recycled, planted or stored for next year.

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